This document below was published by former RPF high ranking officers and members. I translated it from its original language (French), and it clearly displays a part of a much elaborated plan to which we thought we knew. The Empire they call Nilotic Empire, is an even bigger version of the HIMA-TUTSI Empire I described few days ago.
It obvious, that some elite Tutsi have even bigger ambitions than we think. Analytically, they all lead to one thing. The total control of a large part of central and Eastern Africa, directly, and or by allies who are the origins other than Bantus or Hutus; Please read and digest this testimony. The threat is real and we need no more witnesses than these men who shared with us this chilling document, on top of current actions by RPF itself, Museveni and western globalist
Far from being the product of a wild imagination, build a great empire Nile in Africa is the most ambitious political project and more important to the two top Tutsi leaders Museveni, Kagame and their Anglo-Saxon supporters. Having met the interests of the latter, this project is logically immense support which does not however seem to be able to ensure success as revealed in the next match. Dated June 30, 1997 and written in Nyagatare by Major Dr. Emmanuel Ndahiro (former boss outside Rwandan intelligence), the message was written for members of TIP ( Tutsi International Power), a Tutsi lobby with international influence in the Great Lakes.
It comes from the pen of Ndahiro of « urgent and appropriate to safeguard our project « : When we gathered in Kisoro ( Uganda) from 3 to 5 June 1997 just after our victory led to the fall of the dictator Mobutu, we emphasized the need to strengthen our promise affecting our best human resources services in dealing with security, the economy, finance and administration, particularly in the provinces of North and South Kivu which are an integral part of our country. This strategy is intended to facilitate our control of the Democratic Republic of Congo and consolidate further our influence in the Great Lakes region. » The RPF officer continues: »
In fact , Zaire was the missing link for us to ensure that we achieve total control of power in the Indian Ocean basin, with the exception of Kenya and Tanzania, where power remains still in the hands of our enemies. However, Kenya can not resist for a long time, since the internal pressure our Ugandan, Ethiopian and Eritrean brothers who are determined to continue until they get the victory! « But there is only Zaire in the crosshairs of regional liberators : « In Regarding Tanzania, Masai our brothers have not yet earned enough political and military influence to begin the liberation war as our friends in Kenya did ».
We need to examine together what should be done to preventMwalimu Nyerere who clearly intends sabotage our hegemonic plans and actively seeks to dethrone our brother in Burundi, Major Pierre Buyoya. << Then Ndahiro is much more precise and accusative>> And further, the Tanzanian government openly supports Nyangoma and INTERAHAMWE General Bizimungu, who are respectively responsible the genocide in Burundi and Rwanda. While we await for your proposals to be submitted for approval at the meeting proposals that held in Mbarara, Uganda, from 17 to 19 July 1997, we must call all our leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo to stay vigilant day and night because Laurent Désiré Kabila is Lumumbiste.
<<Clear and sensible, the note goes as a warning :>> You know very well that Lumumbists are nationalists. They could one day rebel against us and hunt Congo. Congolese are as Hutu They are ungrateful. That is why we strongly urge the governor of North Kivu, Kanyamuhanga Gafundi and our brothers Ngezayo Albert and Rwakabuba Shinga, respectively president and vice- president of TIP (Team leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo) to work closely and support the soldiers of RPA and NRA assigned to DRC, the protection of our representatives (Déogratias Bugera and Bizima Karaha ) within the government.<< Note particular emphasis on the threat posed by Interahamwe>> Our soldiers must, by all means,neutralize Mayi-Mayi and Interahamwe who became a thorn in the security our farmers in the Masisi region. In its latest report, the Governor of North Kivu, Kanyamuhanga Gafundi, expressed the same fears » .
And in conclusion : « Finally, we would like to inform you that some our friends started to turn back and discredit us. They consider us “merchants of war ‘ or even ‘ genocide “ . They threaten to withdraw their support. We urgently need to find strategies to adequately address this situation.
The content of this note is confirmed by several top-secret documents in our possession that describe in detail including incitement by Kagame, Museveni and their sponsors to inter-ethnic war between Kalanjine Kenya ( President Moi tribe ) and other tribes including Kikuyu. We could mention the meetings held in February and December 1992 at Entebbe State House between Museveni, Nyerere , Baroness Lynda Chalker,who represented British interests, a representative of Lonrho, a delegation from the SPLA ( chaired by Colonel John Garang ) RPF Officers , Colonel JJ Odong (Kenya) . [ Proof No. 0132 ] .
RWANDA GENOCIDE : THE PEOPLE SCREAMING JUSTICE! MEMORANDUM SENT TO SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Advocacy for a comprehensive , objective and impartial investigation into the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath. Results of investigations conducted by the Task Documentation & Security Partnership – Intwari, January 2008 by:
Emmanuel Habyarimana
Déogratias Mushayidi
NB: The document was drafted in 2008 by personnees ABOVE, former active members of the RPF
The French version is her:

Edited and translated by Jean Paul Romeo Rugero
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